General Information Our flock has been 100% closed since 1988 and we are free of many diseases including Q Fever. Our sheep are high quality, healthy, and consistent. All important criteria for sheep used in research. You will only receive sheep from our flock- we never go outside our flock to provide sheep for research. Most providers of research sheep are not also flock owners as we are. Their source(s) and quality of animals tends to vary with the season and whatever they can find. We can provide sheep on a year around basis. We lamb three times a year; September/October, December/January, and April/May. USDA License #32-A-0297
Type of Sheep and Lambs available All Q Fever Free Tested. All animals are from the polled Dorset sheep breed. Generally we have been providing various ages of lambs to research facilities. Lambs are sold at 8 weeks of age or older depending upon your needs. We can also provide older open ewes. We currently DO NOT provide ‘time dated pregnancies’ ewes.
How to contact us A weekday phone call to my office is generally the best method of contact. Email can also be done. We understand that confidentiality is important in all aspects of being a provider of research animals.
Who we sell to Over the last several years we have sold research sheep to respected Universities and Pharmaceutical Companies. References are available.