Sire Reference
This a listing of the sires we use or have used. These rams are not for sale; they are our stud rams. Their information and photos are provided so you can see what type of rams we are using to produce the breeding stock we have for sale. The rams’ number is to the far left. His pedigree to the right. We always keep rams out of our best ewes. Therefore I include the ram’s mother’s (dam) lambing records with the ram’s description. Each lambing is indicated by a date, next is number born (S, TW, TR), the number in ( ) is the number of month’s interval in-between lambings. Annual average lambing percent is calculated by taking total number of lambs born divided by the total years of age of the ewe.

83204 with ewe flock July 2020










I consider 5373 one of the best rams I have ever raised. Excellent size, very thick and heavily muscled. Lots of bone, width, depth plus good length and style. A very big, attractive, well balanced thick ram. His mother 6316 was one of our ‘N’ flock foundation ewes and he is sired by 8315. His dam’s lambing record: 9-15-88 Tw, (7), 3/28/89 Tw, (10), 1/23/90 Tw, (8), 10-15-90 S, (7), 5-27-91 Tw, (8), 2-1-92 S, (12), 2-5-93 Tw, (12), 1-25-94 Tw, (12)* 1/15/95 Tw, ( 8) 9/30/96 S (* Note: The (3) 12 month intervals are partly due to one year going off accelerated program-getting ewes off schelude.) Lifetime Lambing % = 200 %
Dam 6316 was a heavy milker that always produced our largest lambs.
Note: 5373 died on October 11, 2005 ; he would of been 11 years old in early 2006
This ram was the same genetically as 5373 (see above),
his mom was 10 years old when he was born.
63194 was very thick and stout - good width and depth of body - easy conditioning.
6363 was also one of the best rams we have ever raised. He was well muscled, very long and good sized. He was well balanced, and straight lined. Dam’s (03141) Lambing Record: 1/13/94 15 mos - S 1st, (8.5), 10/4/92 S, (8), 6-5-93 TR, (8), 1-31-94 Tw, (8), 10/6/94 S, (6), 4/15/94 Quad, (12) 4/6/96 TR, (10) 1/17/97 Tw, (11) 12/26/97 Tw, (8), 8/22/98 S, (9), 5/8/99 Tw, (9) due December 1999. Lifetime Lambing % = 250%. Deceased.
Exception dam 03141 had 22 lambs by the time she was 8 1/2 years old and only lost three of those lambs. All triplets and quads lived - and she nursed 3 lambs three times.
She also accelerated inbetween her first and second lambings.
(*Note up to 1/97 lambing 03141 had never lost a lamb - she lost her twins due to pasturella and excessively cold weather that lambing. Lost 8/98 lamb to E.Coli.)
See dam 03141's record at ram 6363's information; 73207 is a very long bodied ram with good balance and thickness. |
83142 is a tall, long, very thick-correct ram. His dam 9328 was born in 1989 and had a set of triplets at 10 years of age. (She is still in good shape ready to lamb at 11 years old.) We have sold many fine stud rams from this ewe; also using her rams in our flock. Dam 9328 is an exceptional ewe; she twins in all seasons, and has only lost one of the 23 lambs born to her in 10 years of life. Notice how many short lambing intervals she has and the fall (November) twins. (230%). Sold-no longer on farm.
Dam’s Lambing Record: 3/5/90 11.7 mos- S, (8), 11/26/90 Tw, (10), 2/23/92 S, (11), 1/19/93 Tw, (8), 9/13/93 S, (8), 5/22/94 Tw, ( 7), 12/30/94 Tw, (11), 11/13/95 Tw, (6), 5/7/96 Tw ,(8), 12/31/96 Tw, (12), 12/7/97 Tw, (8), 8/23/98 S, (8), 4/7/99 TR
Full brother to 83142 is 93187. |
93187 is tall, very long, thick and correct. Full brother to 83142
Died 9/28/06 of accident. |
Tall, long ram out of one of our most prolific ewes. We have sold a lot of stud rams out of his dam. Dam’s Lambing record: 1st = 3/22/90 12mos-Tw, (12), 3/20/91 TR, (10), 1/31/92 Tw, (8), 6/2/93 Tw, (8), 2/5/94 Tw, (8), 9/24/94 Tw, (7) 4/22/95 tw, (12), 4/8/96 TR, (9), 1/6/97 Tw, (14), 3/6/98 TR. Lifetime Lambing % = 245%
Dam 9325 had 22 lambs by the time she was 8 years old. She also had (6) 7-9 month lambing intervals- tripleted three times, and never had a single!
73185 is a very long, straight ram. His dam had 6 short lambing intervals, and only lost one of fifteen lambs. Dam’s Lambing Record: 1st 12mos 1/7/92 tw, (12), 1/26/93 Tw, (8), 9/15/93 Tw, (8), 5/10/94 Tw, (7), 12-13-94 S, (8.5), 9-26-95 Tw, (7), 4/30/96 Tw, (8), 1/6/97 Tw. Lifetime Lambing % = 250%. Sold-no longer on farm. |
We used this ram on our ewe lambs last year and have been pleased. He is out of ram 33130, whose mother was a fall triplet and one of our best accelerated ewes.
Dam’s lambing record: (Note: Dam is daughter of ewe 03141) 5/23/94 (11mos-S), (7), 12/28/94 S, (12), 12/27/95 S, (9) 9/19/96 S, (8), 4/14/97 TW. Dam 33126 accelerated right after her first lambing and lambed at 11.5 months of age, so I would not hold her early singles against her. Dam’s lifetime lambing % = 164%. Ram sold to Lyles of Missouri.
Very nice correct, tall, upheaded ram with good size and muscle. This is the most complete ram - (size, conformation, and out of a top ewe) we probably raised.
Dam’s Lambing Record: 1st 12 mos. = 1/17/91 Tw, (7), 9/5/91 S, (7), 3/21/92 Tw, (10), 1/28/93 Tw, (12), 1/18/94 Tw, (8), 10/4/94 S, (6), 4/10/95 Tw, (9), 1/14/96 Tw, (9), 10/14/96 S, (6), 4/16/97 Tw, (8), 12/21/97 S, (8), 9/2/98 Tw, (7), 4/10/99 Tw.
Lifetime lambing % = 240 %… Exceptional dam had twins at 12 mos., then accelerated into a fall lambing (7 mo. Interval). Eight short lambing intervals and out of season breeding - one of our best ewes. (Dam’s mother is 6398)
23160 - Full Brother to 1327 born 5/14/02 (S) (pictured above)
These ram’s are out of one of our best ewes. They have good size, thickness, type and length. 1327 is out of the sixth set of triplets that dam 0348 had. Dam 0348 is one of the our best, most prolific ewes. Dam 0348’s Lambing Record: 1st 12mos. = 2-3-91 S, (12), 1-12-92 S, (12), 1-23-93 TR, (12), 1-22-94 Tw, (11), 12-28-94 Tw, (13), 1-25-96 TR, (12) 1-6-97 TR, (12) 1/2/98 Tw,(8), 8/25/98 TW, (7) , 4-13-99 TR., (8), 1/5/00 TR, (12), 1/7/01 TR , (8) 9/25/01 S, (7) 5/4/02 S.
Avg. Annual Lambing % = 250%
Exceptional long lived dam (0348), she has had 6 sets of triplets, and was eleven years old when she had the 6th set. Her ram lamb # 9381 sold privately for $800.00. Her son's are 'one of a kind's'. Dam 0348 successfully reared triplets three times un-assisted until losing half of her udder in 1999 nursing her fourth set of triplets. Dam has had 30 lambs, and only lost one in 12 years of life. |
Very long, good framed ram out of a top fall born ewe.
Dam’s Lambing record: 1st 15 mos. = 1/26/93 S, (12), 2/3/94 S, (10), 12/17/94 Tw, (10), 10/7/95 Tw, (7), 4/22/96 S, (8) 12/24/96 Tw, (8), 9/24/97 S, (7), 4/12/98 S, (8), 12/19/98 Tw, (7), 4/12/98 S, (8), 12/19/98 Tw, (12), 12/15/99 S, (12), 12/27/00 S, (9), 10/3/01 Tw, 4/27/02 S. Dam 13141 has several fall lambings and short intervals. Annual Average Lambing % = 200%
Very thick, good sized, long fall born ram out of an accelerated dam.
Dam’s Lambing Record: 3/16/98 S 1st, (8), 11/7/98 S, (6.5), 5/20/99 Tw, (7), 12/19/00 S, 10/8/02 Tw, (7), 5/14/03 S. Dam is exceptional in that she accelerated right after her first lambing; breeding in June to produce that set of November lambs. Her annual average lambing percent in lower right now at 160% due to the singles. However those were produced at short lambing intervals, and in out of season lambings.
Very thick, good sized, long fall born ram out of an accelerated dam.
Dam’s Lambing Record: 1st @ 11months old = 12/29/01 S, (9.5), 10/11/02 S, (6.5), 5/2/03 Tw. This young dam shows excellent potential with these early lambings. Her first lambing she was not yet 12 months old. She has two short lambing intervals and the two fall lambings. Deceased May 12th, 2007.